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wonderful songjiang rubber expansion bellows with control rods for the establish of Huawei Base in Dongguan

 Industry Case     |      2023-08-08

Shanghai Songjiang has more than 20 years of production experience to provide you with shock absorption products,such as din rubber expansion joints, spring isolators, metal compensators, etc.Recently,Huawei Company has purchased  lots of Songjiang rubber expansion bellows with control rods to establish an reciprocal relationship. This batch of products is used in the Huawei’s Terminal Base Project in Songshan Lake, Dongguan.Here is the basic information about Huawei’s Terminal Base Project in Songshan Lake, Dongguan.

Huawei’s terminal base in Songshan Lake, Dongguan is a comprehensive production facility dedicated to the research, manufacturing, and sales of Huawei’s terminal products, including smartphones and tablets. The project, which started in 2018, is expected to exceed a total investment of 10 billion RMB. With an area of approximately 2,000 acres, the base is equipped with facilities such as office buildings, research centers, production workshops, and warehousing logistics areas. Its construction aims to meet the growing market demand for Huawei’s terminal products, improve the efficiency of the product supply chain, and promote the development of Huawei’s terminal business.

The establishment of an innovation center within the terminal base project emphasizes Huawei’s commitment to technological innovation and product research. The center brings together diverse talents and resources to explore cutting-edge technologies, develop new products, and strengthen cooperation with partners.

Huawei is also dedicated to building a complete industrial ecosystem within the Songshan Lake terminal base project. By attracting and supporting relevant enterprises, suppliers, and partners, it aims to foster the prosperity of the entire terminal industry chain. This collaborative approach enhances production efficiency, reduces costs, and drives regional economic development.

Environmental protection and sustainability are important considerations in Huawei’s terminal base project. The planning and construction adhere to environmental standards and strive for sustainable resource utilization and energy management. Through the adoption of advanced green technologies and energy-saving measures, Huawei actively minimizes its impact on the environment.











Actual photo of Huawei Company purchasing Songjian rubber expansion bellows with control rods(for the construction of Terminal Base Project in Songshan Lake)

























Related links:DIN Rubber expansion joint PN6 PN10 PN16 PN25

If the original article is reprinted, please indicate the link of this article: https://www.din-rubber-expansion-joint.com/wonderful-songjiang-rubber-expansion-bellows-with-control-rods-for-the-establish-of-huawei-base-in-dongguan.html

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